
I'm Abhijit

a developer

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I am Abhijit, a web developer and a open source contributer.



C++ Programming

As an accomplished C++ programmer, I possess a strong foundation and a wealth of experience in developing robust and efficient software solutions. With a meticulous approach to coding and a deep understanding of object-oriented programming principles, I am adept at designing and implementing complex algorithms, data structures, and high-performance applications.

web developer

Web Devlopment

As a skilled web developer experienced in the MERN stack, With a strong foundation in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and expertise in MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js, I have developed dynamic and responsive web applications.



I have not yet started the AIML syllabus but this year
it's in my curricullum and I'm looking
forward to it.


Python Programming

I use python when I require a small program and don't
want to work that much in C++.
And it will also help me in my Machine Learning

Get in Touch

Have any Ideas? or want to Collaborate in
Open Source!!!

Contact Me

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©️2022 Abhijit Singh